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#ThrowBack Graduation Swag

I’m fresh from a graduation ceremony, my sister attained her honors in Marketing and Management (yassss girl!) and I also graduated last year with my Diploma in Media Practices, majoring in Public Relations (had to throw that in). One thing I always find fascinating is the choice of outfits on this big day. Lately graduates have more freedom of expression. Most go all out; new shoes, new dress, hiring make-up artists. This day means a lot,so why the heck not.

Once upon a time graduation outfits were the equivalent of interview outfits. Besides the beautiful cultural wear we see at graduation ceremonies, outfits are also becoming bright and beautiful. The hair is more flamboyant and has so much personality, it’s beautiful to watch. Throwback to my first graduation in 2011 I wore a simple pencil dress. I was graduating with my fashion qualification so we (almost) all made our own outfits as proof that we really are now qualified fashion designers. Our outfits were so imperfect; threads hanging out and all but we wore them with pride.

In 2012…

A degree in Fashion Design and Technology, I opted for something slightly more colorful and feminine. I made a below the knee pencil dress and added flowers on the waistline. It was around this time that I was in love with blush pink and nude colours; hence the nude nail color.  I still remember the excitement from this day like it was yesterday. We definitely redeemed ourselves from the outfits from the previous year; spot the slightly mature hair, dress and shoes. Lol!

Fast forward to 2017…

In my latest graduation; opted for a red dress with tussles around the neck. I remember completing this dress the night before the graduation with a huge sigh of relief because I didn’t know if I would finish. My mom made sure we had no plan B so that plan A works as planned. I actually want to duplicate this dress in every colour I possibility can because wow! It came out way better than I expected. It was the perfect for celebrating this day. I got the best PR student and overall best diploma student of the year. Easily one of the best days of my life and I looked the part.

I’m sure you’re asking yourself will this girl stop? I honestly don’t think so. I’d like to get a PhD in Fashion Design and Technology but before that I’ll complete my Masters. Now those two outfits will be extravagant. Almost as extravagant as a wedding dress, just kidding. I might just let one of my designer friends design something for me, or maybe not. Lol. Either way, I can’t wait.

Lately, I love how graduation outfits in general represent of who we are. Just #graduation on Twitter and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about. This has a lot to do with how loud and proud we are and we finally believe we have something to offer this world. It really does warm my heart how we openly celebrate ourselves even at a setting that is said to be corporate.

What did you wear to your graduation and do you still approve of your fashion choices?

A huge congratulations to all the graduates.

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Posted on April 24, 2018

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