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What I Learned From the #90DaysOfGratitude Challenge

I spent the last three months on a #90DaysOfGratitude challenge and WOW! it has been a roller coaster and a half. I had a strong nudge to take on this challenge for spiritual reasons and I knew it wouldn’t be easy but I wasn’t ready for how challenging it would be.

Day 1 – 30; Surrender

When the journey began in May, I took a huge leap of faith and resigned from my job, without a plan. The two month notice was the longest two months because my grandma and spiritual teacher practically begged me to heal from the issues leading to my resignation before I left. I cried almost every day for that month because I didn’t realize how much I had pulled up with. Everything came at me at once and it wasn’t easy talking about it, let alone deal with it.

Day 31 – 60; Expect the Unexpected

If that wasn’t enough, in June I was involved in a car accident and the car was written off. Did I mention I resigned without a solid plan? This hit me like a storm and forced me to turn inwardly in order to heal. Nothing could’ve prepared me for this but the next day mom had me driving again so that fear doesn’t cripple me from moving forward. Just when I was getting over that, a few days later my cousin was also in a accident and he died. 09 June 2019 still feels like a dream. Waking up the day after his death felt like I had nothing to be grateful for.

On the contrary, the memories of my cousin were nothing short of sweet and amazing. My uncle was a pillar of strength during that time and my friends were there for me. I actually had so many things to be grateful for in the mist of that storm.

Day 61 – 90;
Whomst are you? I’m the ghel who experienced a miracle

While I was counting my blessings and healing, I eventually reached a state of calm. I made amends, forgave myself and accepted everything that happened. I was in a happier place and knew for sure everything would be okay.

The day before my last day at work; I got called for an interview, for an opportunity that baffled me. I went to the interview and I got the job on the spot, I knew everything would be okay but this was beyond what I imagined. A whole me, a digital strategist for a company I admire. Someone reminded me that I had said I’m giving myself three years to be a strategist. I forgot about that and here it is.

What I learned from the #90DaysOfGratitude Challenge

I learned a lot about myself and how much I am loved and supported. I learned to see that everything was happening for me and not to me. And the biggest lesson was faith. It’s easy to preach faith when everything is going well, but try being in a storm and knowing without a shadow of doubt that it will get better. That’s faith! My prayers also went from prayers of asking, to prayers of gratitude and healing. I stopped asking; “why me?” and asked “what am I meant to learn form this”.

Would I do this challenge again? Definitely. Also, I know the Universe will also level up the lessons I will learn during the next one. What I went through now will seem like small waters. This is a never-ending journey after all.

What’s next?

I’m starting a #30DaysOfSelfLove in August, just to amplify what the gratitude challenge has given me. The #90DaysOfGratitude also showed me how a lot can be resolved by loving self and putting myself first. I miss myself so much; the happy, carefree, loving, lively woman who is also insanely in love with life (and another human being).

So here goes…

Give me a shout if you’d like to join the #30DaysOfSelfLove challenge.

PS: Skirt made by me. I’ll be taking orders for clothes soon.

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  1. NBL
    6 years ago

    For staters, having to Google the blog because I couldn’t get through on WordPress was just not nice at all! 🙁

    You’ve most definitely gone through a rather rough patch in a very short time. But how you pulled through though.

    This was a rather emotional read and Ma’am, Power to you – see what I did there. 🙂 Here’s to more #PowerMoves

    1. Ms Kgadi
      6 years ago

      Thank you for the heads up. I’ll get it checked it out. And thank you for reading, it means a lot.

  2. Lessons In 2019 – Ke Kgoshigadi
    5 years ago

    […] round about this time that my boss told me I exceeded expectations for someone who just got here in July and started working as a digital strategist. All the digital activities (except editorial news) was […]


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